Biodynamic Agriculture
and Nutrition
By Anthony Mecca
with Contributions from Sarah Mecca
Twelve detailed and extensive lessons exploring the wisdom and practice of Rudolf Steiner’s indications for biodynamic agriculture and nutrition. Each lesson offers practical, experiential, and artistic exercises, alongside inner development exercises and individualized tutoring.
Cultivate capacities to perceive, experience, and work morally with the dynamic activity of life in soil, plants, animals, the human being, and the cosmic atmosphere in which we are embedded.
Developing Imaginative Consciousness
Developing a capacity for imagination as brought through Goethe and Steiner is a centering point for the course towards fostering a more harmonious relationship with our farms, gardens, or any endeavor to awaken and strengthen a connection with the Earth.
We will delve into holistic ways of perceiving and finding meaning in our farms, in our gardens, or simply in a moment’s communion with the natural world, in order to deepen and clarify inner experiences through the senses and imagination, and to contribute ethically and morally to the building of our world together.
Course Inclusions
- 12 Written Lessons
- Access to Tutoring
- Study Groups
- Practice Sessions
- Experiencing Plant Development (1.5hr workshop recording)
- Cultivating Imagination through Working with Plants (3 x 1.25hr workshop recordings)
- Biodynamic Agriculture as a Healing Path for the Earth and the Human Being (1hr workshop recording)
- Certificate of Completion
The depths of biodynamics guides us to consciously raise matter into the realm of the spirit, and to support divine spiritual activity to more fully penetrate matter towards healing the Earth and humanity.
Twelve Lessons
Throughout the course of study the participant is invited to engage with new perspectives on human development, biodynamic agriculture, nutrition, the arts and sciences, evolution, the natural world, and much more.
An understanding of the human being and its relationship to the world through the lens of Anthroposophy such as offered by EduCareDo’s Foundations in Anthroposophy is extremely useful, though not a pre-requisite for this course.
Introduction to an Anthroposophical Approach to Agriculture and Nutrition
Growth and Development
A new Approach
Reading the Environment: Soil
Reading The Environment: Landscapes and Climate
Substances, Forces, and Realms of Consciousness in the Kingdoms of Nature
Participating in the Life of the Earth
The ‘5 Siblings’ and their Role in Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Oils
Elements, Ethers, Physical Forces, and Sub-Physical, or Forces of Sub-Nature: The Life Behind the Material
Working with Healing
Understanding and Working with Astral Forces
Creating Healing Communities
Receive Tutoring & Gather
The course is designed for self-paced and self-directed distance learning. Enroll at anytime.
Lessons are written in a sequential order that gradually unfold, and are available to work with at your chosen pace for meeting your capacity to absorb and integrate the content.
Along the way you have the aid of communication with Anthony Mecca, the course author, when you submit a diary sheet that accompanies each lesson. In 2024 Anthony is also offering study group meetings as well as gatherings that focus on an exercise from a lesson. Open the 2024 Study Group and Practice Schedule →
Engaging with these optional inclusions to the course can become a support to bring the content alive through presentation, exercises, conversation, questions, and sharing from experience. They are for strengthening and supporting our practical work to bring healing to the earth and to enhance our nutrition and health. Read more about tuition, gatherings and certificates of completion.→
Read Articles by Anthony Mecca
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In-person Intensives in Upstate New York
Commencing in,,,,
Anthony Mecca
Anthony Mecca has been farming for almost 20 years, being introduced to biodynamics early on and working with many experienced farmers and mentors. He has worked in market gardening, small grains, and perennial crops including berries and tree fruit. For 8 years, he managed his own diversified CSA farm, also caring for a variety of animals, including the use of draft horses as the main source of power, caring individually for a 15 cow herd.
The farm and garden as a center of community life has been pivotal in his work. Bringing people into relationship with the wonder, beauty, and nourishment a biodynamic farm can provide, and seeing them grow and develop through this relationship individually and in community over the years has inspired his work.
Sarah Mecca
Sarah is a complementary health practitioner based in upstate New York. She works with adults, children from birth through adolescence, family groups, and teachers, in their role supporting the children in their care.