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Robert Sutherland

Robert is a contributing author to the EduCareDo primary education subject course: Spirit-led Education for a Spirit-led Life.  

Robert is a Steiner /Waldorf teacher, whose formative years were spent among the mountains and waterfalls of Te Wai Pounamu, Aoteoroa, NZ and after experiencing the geography and cultures of the Southern Americas and Asia settled into Anthroposophical Education four decades ago.

Robert has worked in both Primary and Secondary Steiner education, at Chrysalis Rudolf Steiner School in the Bellinger Valley, The Armidale Waldorf School on the New England Tablelands and Shearwater the Mullumbimby Steiner School in northern NSW as well as assisting schools transitioning into the middle years in Alice Springs and Darwin in the Northern Territory and Kuranda in Queensland.

Robert has developed many outdoor student experiences where cross curriculum threads were woven together creating new areas of study, enriched by development of the senses and capacities of students through the many and varied archetypal activities experienced out of the classroom. Whilst carrying the research question of the healing qualities of Nature on youth and the not so youthful.

Semi-retired from four decades of teaching and now consulting and assisting on camps in Nature for educators, whether they be teachers, parents or anyone involved in seeking the Spirit in Nature, whether they be involved with school institutions or any of the new initiatives springing up in these times.