Spirit-led Education
for a Spirit-led Life
A Course by Colleagues of
Developing the self Developing the World
Educators, Artists, Health practitioners & Biodynamic Farmers
12 Modules available Singularly or as a Set.
Understanding and supporting the soul-spiritual development of the young person throughout the primary and middle school years.
As education changes, there is a call for a spirit-led education through which the truth of the human being can be given what is essential for their path.
Each member of the community contributes to the spiritual foundations that lay the ground for the child to grow into an adult who connects deeply with the world surrounding them.
Course Overview
Spirit-led Education for a Spirit-led Life has grown out of the combined efforts of educators, school leaders, health practitioners, artists and biodynamic farmers who are in a living relationship to child development through their tasks. They offer modules for supporting educators and parents to consistently renew and imbue the child with life-giving forces.
The course content helps to support and guide children and in doing so the opportunity arises to assess and re-establish one’s own ground from which a spirit-led life grows.
Exercises accompany each lesson that allow the participant to enter more deeply into the content while also engaging with their own questions and life circumstances. The tutors will be able to respond to your individual questions for guiding and supporting the child/children you may focused upon throughout the study.
Spirit-led Community: Past, Present and Future
Twelve Modules
The modules are available for individual enrolment or as a set and include a main lesson and diary sheet for communicating with the course primary author, access to annual study group meetings, practice sessions and articles relevant to the module and offered by a variety of contributors.
Some of the modules assume an understanding of the threefold human constitution, the twelve senses and temperaments. These are available in the Foundations in Anthroposophy Course and available for individual enrolment.
Nothing but the will to live life in a spiritual way, the will to allow spiritual decisions and spiritual motivations, to play a part in what we do in the physical world, can make humanity truly healthy again.
Rudolf Steiner