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Participant Handbook

Applicable for EduCareDo’s Foundations in Anthroposophy and each of the 7 subject courses.

This handbook does not apply to Inner Work Path gatherings



Enrollment into a course, event or gathering is on a per person basis. One enrollment provides one person access to the course materials and tutor where applicable.

Enrolment fees.

The advertised fee is paid upon enrollment. The fees quoted on are in Australian dollars ($AUD) and out of courtesy an estimate in US dollars ($USD) may also be listed. The enrollment is processed in Australian dollars and when the enrollees currency is not in Australian dollars the fee will be converted by the enrollees financial institution rate of the day. EduCareDo is not responsible for the conversation rate.


Access to an EduCareDo self-directed course content is granted with the purchase of the course and is subject to EduCareDo’s Terms & Conditions. EduCareDo will use its best efforts to have the content available at all times but makes no guarantees in this regard when for example technical issues cause the site to be unavailable.


An EduCareDo self-directed course and its materials are made available to enrolees in a unique online account for a period of 5 years. Extensions to this duration are considered upon application. Updates and additions to the content may be made from time to time and will be available in the enrollees account as it becomes available. Access to recordings of live gatherings are available in the online account for a period of 3 months unless stated otherwise on particular courses.


Since EduCareDo self-directed course material is fully available upon enrollment, a refund is not provided should you change your mind. For gatherings and events in which the course material is to yet to be delivered, cancellation will incur a $10 administration charge. Anything that lies outside of these conditions will be assessed case by case.


All courses and gatherings are copyrighted by EduCareDo and may only be used by the one enrolee. Further use, copying or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Limitation of liability

EduCareDo accepts no liability for any damages caused in connection with the services under this agreement.

Law and venue

Any disputes in connection with this agreement are governed by Australian law and must be brought before the courts of the Australian Government.

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