Course Includes
- 12 written lessons
- Tutoring
- Practice Sessions
- Meeting Racism & Bias by Developing Imaginative Consciousness
- The Four-fold Nature of Love
- Nature Spirits and Elementals, Our Task and Theirs in the Elemental World
- Foundations of Meditation – 4 part
- “I will make My Way to the Spirit Come Hell or High Water”
- An online account for ease of access to all course components
- Online Short Courses
- Additional Tuition
- Retreat Intensives in Ireland
12 Lessons
The course is composed of 12 lessons leading towards understanding the inner development path and how to utilise the various methods of self-assessment to gauge for yourself where you are in this work and what you may need. There will be practical exercises suggested each month, so you can have direct experience as well as the opportunity to reflect on how the content resounds for you. This will help to deepen your individual insight into the inner schooling with which it would be most useful for you to engage. It will help in orientating towards putting the time, energy, and attention you have in the most fruitful direction.
Working with Rudolf Steiner’s six subsidiary exercises (included as an appendix to the first lesson of this course) and the EduCareDo Foundation Course or some anthroposophical studies is valuable but not a pre-requisite.
Lesson 1 is available as a complimentary download here.
Introduction to Inner Development
Clarifying Body, soul, and Spirit Through Direct Inner Experience
Preparing the Soul Ground
How to Know the Higher ‘i’
The Working of the ‘i’
Understanding inner Laws
Imaginative Consciousness: Common Ground and Different Tasks
How to Know the Higher ‘i’
Love and Inner Development
Freedom and Love
Working with the Adversaries
Love and Morality
Christ in the Etheric and the Cosmic Christ
In the words of course participants…
“Rounding out this year long course feels like completing the birthing of a new sheath – a new level of engagement with the earthly and the spiritual world; an awakening to the life of the spirit.
It strengthens the human being as bridge between worlds. The levels of its impact are manifold and far-reaching. The course works like a beacon in the inner development process. The way a Chinese doctor reads our pulse to understand what is working with us, every month we do our own pulse-taking as well as administering our own remedies, in the form of carefully introduced exercises and practices. Lisa’s guidance and attending to our process as it builds a momentum through the year helps to steer the course of our journey through it.
Many exercises have become like presences or companions in the day. But perhaps most noticeable is a more profound quality of sensing into the etheric realm. A lifting or expanding beyond the physical identity or body awareness; perceiving aspects of my presence woven into a larger context; even moments of experiencing beingness beyond the confines of body-soul experience.
I can observe how certain habits have shifted and how new capacities have developed or have gained strength in me; a new quality of patience, perseverance, resilience, and warmth.
There are many ways up the mountain, but Lisa’s meticulous attention, spot-on feedback, her ability to make what can seem like insurmountable steps understandable and approachable, and the way she lays out the process through the course of the year supports the soul to make a steady progress forward.
I have found her articulation of and her approach to anthroposophy the most helpful to my own relationship with it. She has a way of making it accessible without making it easy or over-simplified. She offers a way in for the soul of our times.
David Anderson 安大為”
This course has synthesised many years of workshops, reading and inner work. And as always helped to reach another layer of understanding. But most of all, it has helped so much in keeping my inner work alive and workable in my daily life; in helping me to be present with my daily life and developing the understanding that there is so much more to ‘this’ reality as I feel into the elemental realms. Also in keeping me calm, grounded, prepared and ready to face the ongoing challenges. And such a deep reminder of how much I need to develop – an ongoing task… I find I can now sit more comfortably in the present.
I have sometimes wondered what I actually do give to the world. This question has recently helped me to make some choices and I have been able to evaluate these with a different perspective, from a different place, thanks to my learning and developing understanding this year.
Written words are so bland, nothing I have written so far conveys the depth to which I have been moved by the content of the course and the help this has given me on my spiritual path.
I have most appreciated the monthly guidance and exercises and Lisa’s responses to my questions/concerns. I would recommend it to all my friends! Seriously, to anyone who feels moved to explore more deeply the material in “How To Know Higher Worlds.” Also to anyone who’s open to learning from Lisa’s guidance and experience. The purpose would be a deeper understanding of the world and themselves and also a deeper commitment to one’s community and loved ones.
Ed Smith
Lawyer by profession, a writer by vocation.
Tutoring & Gathering
Find your own study rhythm for the course duration and feel free to work with the content to give yourself time for tutor communication through the diary sheets that accompany each lesson.
The diary sheets prompt consideration of new thoughts that may be experienced while working through the lesson content, reflections on your inner life and further explorations to carry forward. They are optional and are a useful way of furthering your questions as well as being the main mode of communication between you and Lisa, should you choose to share them and engage with her in this way.
Practice Sessions focusing on particular lessons are offered by Lisa at regular intervals and are an opportunity to come together with other participants to practice and ask clarifying questions about the exercises in the lessons.
Colleagues of Inner Work Path hold an online space for discussion of the Six Subsidiary Exercises. The exercises are an addendum to Lesson 1. All are welcome to this group and those not in the course are also welcome to download a complimentary copy of Lesson 1 to participate in these meetings. Open the 2024 Six Subsidiary Discussion Group Schedule →
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.
Taking the Next Step
Inner development occurs when we grow our inner life through self development, a dedication to a meditative practice or by deepening our spiritual life and for many these three ways can be deeply united on a daily basis.
Each of us however, have our own reasons for the path we take towards self transformation, but now in this time of world need, we can understand the necessity and purpose of our inner work by whatever path we have trod. It is at these times we feel the great need and understanding of how important inner development is, as it not only stabilises and strengthens our own inner life but allows a growing experience of connection to the ever present support of the spiritual world and in turn allows us to pass on that strength and connection to the life of others if they will it.
This course enters all three avenues through various exercises and meditations allowing each participant to take further steps on their path regardless of where they are on the way.
Lisa Romero
Lisa has been supporting EduCareDo since its beginnings and has written lessons for many of the courses as well as being the primary author of Inner Development for World Development. Since 1993 Lisa has been offering healthcare and education enriched with anthroposophy. She has authored 6 books, written numerous articles and lectured across the world. Her capacity to deliver esoteric wisdom with insight and understanding springs from the inner work, meditation and exercises, together with a dedication to the path of unfolding consciousness. Read more →